Publication Date: September 2,2005 | ISBN-10: 0,130,473,944 ISBN-13 :978-0,130,473,943 Edition: 4
Authoritative, comprehensive and updated guide to chemical reaction engineering to solve real-world problems
The fourth edition of Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering is a completely revised edition of the world's best-selling book. It combines authoritative coverage of the principles of chemical reaction engineering, critical thinking and creative problem solving, using open-ended questions, and stressed that the Socratic method, an unparalleled focus. Clear and excellent organization, it integrates text, visual and computer simulations to help readers solve the most challenging problems, rather than through reasoning, memory equation.
Form a comprehensive coverage of the basic principles of chemical reaction engineering, the backbone of this trusted text. To enhance core skills transfer to real life settings, three styles are included for each topic
Simple question, reinforcing materials
Allow students to explore the problem, to find the best solution
Of open-ended questions to encourage students to practice creative problem-solving abilities
H. Scott Fogler has updated his classic text bioreactor, chemical industry and real reactors and reactions, even wider range of applications, with the latest digital technology to provide greater coverage, such as FEMLAB range. Elements of chemical reaction engineering fourth edition includes extensive example, from the fumes blood coagulation, tissue engineering, antifreeze cobra bites, and computer chip manufacturing chemical plant safety in production of ethylene oxide.
The CD-ROM provides a lot of opportunity to get rich learning resources for students and teachers, including the following:
Summary Notes: Chapter interactive material to address different learning styles in the Felder / Solomon learning style index
Learning Resources: Web modules, reactor experiment modules, interactive computer modules, problem-solving and problem-solving heuristics
A living example of the problem: over 55 interactive simulation software erudite, allow students to explore the examples and ask "if - then"
Professional Reference Shelf: Advanced content, ranging from collision and transition state theory DFT, spray reactor runaway reactions, and pharmacokinetics
Other learning materials: extra homework problems, syllabuses, related materials, and Web links
The latest software to solve the problem of the "digital age": FEMLAB to solve partial differential equations of the axial and radial concentration and temperature, and learned to do regression, nonlinear equations, and solve single, coupled ordinary differential equations
On the CD-ROM in the book, icons help readers link concepts and procedures are fully integrated learning and reference materials.
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